Welcome to Nilesh's bit of web space

picture of me

Here I am working very hard, honest!!

This site is best viewed with Voyager-NG because it means you aren't using a Mac or PC.

Some Personal Info

I am a full time tutor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Waikato. I help teach the following Computer Science papers:
0657.103a Introduction to Computer Science 1
0657.104b Introduction to Computer Science 2
0657.123 The Computing Experience
0657.202b Systems Analysis and Design

Click here if you want to see my sure fire method for disciplining rowdy first year students.

Here is another pic of myself ready for another tutorial with my favourite first year students.

Here are some pages you might find interesting

Amiga Info This page contains info about the Amiga, links to interesting Amiga sites and software to enhance your system.
C & C++ Programming A series of tutorials on C and C++ programming with particular emphasis on programming the Amiga Intuition interface.
Sound Clips This page contains some funny sound samples from Seinfeld and some other funny sound clips.
0657.123 Raytracing Gallery A gallery of ray traced images created by students entering the competition run for the 0657.123 The Computing Experience course.
Links A collection of my favourite links covering a diverse range of topics.


I would like to thank Phil Treweek and Tim Elphick for their technical assistance and providing me with the enthusiasm to actually do something with my web pages and the Computer Science Department of the University of Waikato for allowing me some web space to create my pages.

All comments about my pages are welcome. Contact me at: nkanji@cs.waikato.ac.nz

Last modified: 3 December 1998

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